Friday, August 14, 2015

13 MFing Inches!!

I don't have much commentary here, except that it's easy for me to allow myself to get really upset about the weight number going up by 2 pounds since last week.  Instead I'm focusing on the inches lost, which is substantial to me.  My clothes feel great, I feel great, and I am seeing noticeable changes in the mirror and in pictures.  I'll play with pictures later and post them when I have a few more minutes.

I have identified the things I need to improve that were lacking this week, or inhibiting weight loss:

- Not enough water
-Not enough slow-carbs (lentils beans), and therefore not enough calories consumed.  I ate REALLY light all week, and not enough most of the time
-On my period for most of this week
-Weigh-in and measurements taken 1 day early due to travel schedule.

So I have my plan for next week, which will be super easy to keep up with because I'm on a glorious 8-day STAYCATION where I will do nothing but play with recipes and workout and sleeeeeeep.  I looove sleeeeeep. :-)

Here are the numbers so far:

Week  1 2   3  
Weigh Date 8/2/2015 8/8/2015 Diff 8/14/2015 Diff
Weight (LBS) 268 262 -6 264 2
Shoulders 48" 47.25 0.75 46 1.25
Chest 52" 51.5 0.5 51.5 0
Thigh (Right) 28.5 28 1 28 0
Calf (Right) 16.75 16 1.5 16.25 -0.5
U Arm (Rt) 15.5 15 1 14.25 0.5
Forearm (Rt) 11.5 11.25 0.5 11.125 0.25
Upper Waist 45.75 44.75 1 44 0.75
Navel 50" 49.75 0.25 48.75 1
L. Waist 55.75 55.5 0.25 54.25 1.25
Hips 50.25 49.625 0.625 48.5 1.125
7.375 5.625

Total pounds lost to date: 4 pounds

Total inches lost to date: 13 muthafukkin' inches!!  (That's the scientific denotation, btw)


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